Setting up Sessions

Setting up Sessions

1. Read this first

Weighing sessions on an Optiweigh unit are a bit like yard weighing sessions - just longer. The point of having a session is to know which animals to group together to show a mob average and distribution. 

We recommend that a new session be started every time the Optiweigh is put with a new mob of animals - or whenever the composition of the mob changes. The best way to think about it is to imagine the scenario of drafting some animals out of a mob: If a new session is started after drafting the averages and ADG calculations in the new session will only show the animals that are still in the mob. 

Regardless of the sessions all the historical data for your animals is kept - and the weight chart and ADG calculations will include all the historical data from previous sessions - but only for animals that have been weighed in the current session

2. Opening and Closing Sessions

To get any weight records you need to have an open session. When you click the button to start a new session the current open session will be closed at the same time. 
The daily email will come through whenever you have an open session - so if you are not using your Optiweigh and do not wish it to keep coming simply go the list of open sessions and close the current open one. 

3. Starting new sessions

You can start a new session on the app or in the client portal.
To start a new session on the app click on 'Add Session' on the app home screen. You can then select the weigher you are using. Name the session, select the time zone, choose a session start date and time then fill in the remainder of the fields. 


To start a new session on the client portal click 'Session Management'.

Then click 'New Session'.

To create a new session, name the session, select the weigher (Optiweigh unit) you are using for this session, select the time zone, start date and fill in the remaining fields. 

4. Session Start and Finish Times

There is no need to change sessions on the app or website at the same time the Optiweigh unit is moved. Simply set the start time for the session back to when the unit was moved and any records that have come in since then will be reallocated to the new session. 
Note - sessions cannot overlap so if amending session start times it may be necessary to amend the close time for a previous session. 

5. Multiple Units

If you have more than one Optiweigh unit always double-check that you have selected the right one before changing sessions. 

You are able to use multiple weighers in one session. Please select as many weighers (Optiweigh units) for a session where you wish to use multiple units. 
Note: You are only able to do multiple weighers through the client portal, not on the app. 

For instructions to change sessions using the Optiweigh App click here.

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