Version 3 Setup

Version 3 Setup

CONGRATULATIONS on the purchase of your new Optiweigh unit, to get your unit ready for weighing follow these steps.

Things you will need:

Scissors or a knife, 19mm spanner / socket or a shifting spanner. A hammer or pliers to bend the split pins and the special screwdriver that is provided with your unit which should be located in your control box on the machine. 

1. First you will need to cut the plastic wrapping from around the Optiweigh unit.

2. Using scissors/knife cut the rear white strapping, the orange strap from over the wheels and the tape that is securing the wheel axles to the Optiweigh frame.



3. Remove the bolt and washer from the bottom of the axle bar, you should then be able to slide the axle bar out of the wheel axle.

4. Remove the wheels and toplinks from inside the unit, remove the protective wrapping from the wheel axles.


5. Cut the front white strap from inside the Optiweigh unit.

6. Cut the orange strap from around the (lick) feed bags and tub and remove the lick.

7. Slide the wheels into the axle tubes at the front of the machine.

8. Attach the toplinks to the unit and the wheel axles using the large pins, the bolt on the toplink will go to the top. 


9. Place split pins through holes in large pins to make sure they can't fall out.

10. Remove white cap from top of the unit and screw the aerial (located in plastic bag in control box) to the aerial jack.



11. Remove the four screws from around the antenna using the screwdriver provided, place antenna cover over the antenna and screw on with the four screws.     


12. In the control box check the black earth leads are screwed in tight, green plugs are all pushed up tight and the gold leads are also done up tightly.


13. Lock the bracing bar from the drawbar into the front of the Optiweigh unit using the clevis pin.


14. Using the handle provided wind the wheels down to required height for towing (raise unit higher for rougher terrain). The black switch flips back and forward to swap between winding up and down.


15. There are two force panels on the Optiweigh unit arrange them for the size of cattle to be weighed, for smaller cattle put both panels on the inside or for larger cattle attach panels to the outside of unit.     


Congratulations your Optiweigh unit is setup and ready to collect data.

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