Checking connections - Version 1 Electronics

Checking connections - Version 1 Electronics

This article applies if the electronics box in your Optiweigh is white with a display screen. For Version 2 (the blue faced box without the screen) click here

When it is all ok the screen should look like this:

The most common error code will be "Sat Error". If you see this, try the following:

1. Press the 'Display' button 3 times to get to the Sat Status screen. 
2. Watch as it cycles through 3 different pieces of information:
  1. RSSI - which should be between 95 and 110;
  2. Time of last message sent; and
  3. Number of unsent messages. 
3. If the RSSI is 94 or less your unit needs a reset. Do this by pulling the power plug (the green plug behind the left hand load bar plug), making sure all the lights go out, leaving for a minute or so and then re-inserting. 
4. If the RSSI is above 110 it is likely there is an antenna connection issue. Check your antennas are all screwed in properly and that leads are not damaged. 
5. The 'Sat Error' message will show if there are more than 30 unsent messages. If you have fixed an RSSI issue these messages should clear in time and all the unsent data will come through. If you did not find another error it can sometimes help to clear these messages (although data will be lost). Do this by:
  1. Going to the Sat Status screen again;
  2. Now press and keep holding-in the Zero button until it finishes counting down to 0;
  3. (This is just like doing a normal Zero function but being in the Sat Status screen it is clearing the messages). 

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