Using the App to view your data

Using the App to view your data

How to view your data:

1. Open the Optiweigh app

2. Click on View Data

3. Select the session you are interested in. If you haven't created a session please do so. For more information on how to do this click HERE

4. You are able to analyse session data by clicking on either 'Today', 'Past 5 days', 'Past 10 days' or 'Session Average'.  The data you are viewing will change the colour of the box to light blue.

What is my Optiweigh app data showing me:

The Optiweigh app will provide you with every bit of data except individual animal data.  Some of this data includes:
  1. Session information
  2. Individual ADG Calculations 
  3. Weight Chart
  4. Weight Distribution 
Individual animal data is available on the online portal: HERE 

For more information on the data being reported click HERE

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